Thursday, October 21, 2010

The tortoise always beats the hare

A miraculous thing happened yesterday.

I stopped moving.

I guess I did even more than that.

I stopped moving and had an acute awareness of what was happening around me.

I was playing outside and in the midst of play had to fall down onto my back in the grass. It was then that I looked up to see the most amazing blue sky, long white clouds gliding swiftly by, branches full of autumn colors and leaves gently falling down with the wind.

It was literally breathtaking. I may have even let out an audible, "Oh."

And, it was in that moment that I thought, "I should really slow down more often."

Now that I have stepped away from that moment, I suddenly began having these realizations that lack of television has sped us up in many ways. We, obviously, don't really stop and sit down for hours at a time watching something. I find myself on days when I am home with Beckett needing to go out and do something so that we don't get bored. I try to make it more than just running errands - we have a plan for some sort of adventure.

Now, I will get all philosophical on you. By speeding up our lives to fill the time haven't we really just provided ourselves with the opportunity to slow down and enjoy one another? I would answer that with a resounding, "YES!"

I offer concrete proof of our mutual enjoyment:

Many, many trips to the zoo.

Trips on the train... just because trains are incredible to a 3 year old.

Letting a 3 year old make a bed on the kitchen floor.

Catching a cicada in fake teeth.

Due to my old pal, Darcy's suggestion, becoming a nature explorer.

Nurturing our home-grown superhero.

Honestly, I don't know if it is lack of television that has provided me the opportunity to open my eyes and absorb the flora, fauna and familial fabulosity (A+ in alliteration, btw) or if it is just being a parent to a child who is taking it all in for the first time, but... wow... it is glorious.

So, please, go outside, lay down in the grass and look up. Bring your kids.

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