Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend Recap

Steve again.

I am sure this is going to sound like something out of rehab for a few weeks as we struggle to adjust to life without TV. We will eventually find ways to gobble up the enormous amount of free time we just created. I did some elementary calculations. If the TV is on for 3 hours per day at a minimum, we just gained 21 hours of free time. Easy math - except the solution leaves a giant void in our personal lives. TV watching together is a very easy activity and one we both gravitate towards quite naturally. We can fill that void with more meaningful activities: playing, reading, talking, etc. It will just take some time before it doesn't feel like we are missing a large part of our daily routine.

That being said, I think it is fair to say that I have been using the TV to babysit my son now and again. Not all the time, mind you. I love spending time with him; but I think it is too often that our time involves a movie. Or a TV show. This time around, I can do things right. And the funny thing about Beckett - he hasn't missed a beat. Sure he has had a few meltdowns. But he is asking to read books 4 or 5 more times per day and he is playing with us and solo like never before. Turn TV off = instant imaginative spark. How can you argue with these results?

I had my own panic attack about TV yesterday afternoon. Saturday, mid-day. We had finished the bulk of our chores and shopping for the weekend and it was only 1 PM. What to do? TV is the obvious answer. Turn on a game, or a show, or at least Anthony Bourdain re-runs. Not happening. I felt a brief moment of panic as I realized my pacifier was gone for a good long while.

And then I finished the book I was reading.

This is a good choice for us. We enjoy the relative calm that turning off the television inherently creates. We also enjoy the trepidation that going in a new direction brings to the table. But most of all we enjoy that we are doing this together.

Last thing before turning to my new book for the rest of the evening. Those of you who know my wife, know about her love affair with The Oscars. She picked a brave week to start this noble experiment and I am proud of her for not complaining once. She is great.

Have a great week.

p.s. To our friends in Houston, congratulations on your new baby. We are so very happy for you!

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